- Getting Started
- General Options
- Loggers
- Debuggers
- AjaxHandler
- PreProcessors
- Interceptors
- Validators
- Generators
- Finisher
- Session
- Error Checks
- Templates
- Subparts
- ###TEMPLATE_FORM[1...x]###
- ###TEMPLATE_FORM[1...x][SUFFIX]###
- ###IF_[FIELDNAME]=[value]###
- Subpart Markers
- ###value_[fieldname]###
- ###LLL:[langkey]###
- ###error_[fieldname]###
- ###is_error_[fieldname]###
- ###is_error###
- ###is_success_[fieldname]###
- ###validate_[fieldname]###
- ###REL_URL###
- ###ABS_URL###
- ###submit_nextStep###
- ###submit_nextStep_[suffix]###
- ###submit_prevStep###
- ###submit_prevStep_[suffix]###
- ###submit_reload###
- ###submit_step_[stepnumber]###
- ###FEUSER_[property]###
- ###required_[fieldname]###
- ###requiredMarker_[fieldname]###
- ###CAPTCHA###
- ###ERROR###
- ###[fieldname]_minSize###
- ###[fieldname]_maxSize###
- ###[fieldname]_maxTotalSize###
- ###[fieldname]_currentTotalSize###
- ###[fieldname]_remainingTotalSize###
- ###[fieldname]_allowedTypes###
- ###[fieldname]_maxCount###
- ###[fieldname]_fileCount###
- ###[fieldname]_remainingCount###
- ###[fieldname]_uploadedFiles###
- ###total_uploadedFiles###
- ###selected_[fieldname]_[fieldvalue]###
- ###checked_[fieldname]_[fieldvalue]###
- ###curStep###
- ###maxStep###
- ###lastStep###
- ###step_bar###
- ###formValuesPrefix###
- ###formID###
- ###[action]_LINK###
- ###auth_code###
- ###value_authCodeUrl###
- ###field_[masterkey]_[fieldname]###
- ###validation-status###
- ###embed_[key]###
- Subparts
- Backend Module
Loads GET/POST values.
The controller clears GET/POST parameters when the form is called for the first time. If you want to pass values to the form, you can insert this PreProcessor to load the values.
This component does not require any further configuration.
Version added